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Conscious Contractors

 We want to connect with you.

Let's go and start the journey!

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“Leadership is not an elite club for a certain few. It is the true essence of all human beings." 

Myles Munroe

Our Services

Connect with YOU sessions

We help contractors get 


Experiential Journey 

We bring great humans together to connect on a purposeful journey.

What Our Connections Say

Head of Safety, Private Institution

Sydney Australia

"I first worked with ConseGO in the Energy industry implementing HSE standards as a business partner; specializing in Contractor Management and site support. 


Since I have journeyed with ConseGo on topics related to procedural development, risk assessments, and audit programs. 


They have a fantastic way of developing rapport easily across the business, which assists a rapid understanding of the safety systems and ways to improve or operationalize it. 


ConseGo provides a detailed approach for ensuring the system suits the business; so it's easily understood and implemented well. It has added value to our organization even within a brief period!"

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Image by Alexander Shatov

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ConseGOALS: Empowering Stories

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